Frequently Asked Questions
Can I license your designs?
Yes, I offer both non-exclusive and exclusive licenses for a flat fee. Royalties-based licenses available for established business with proven track record. Specific terms will be negotiated for each license.
Can I buy your designs?
Also yes! Most designs that have not been licensed are available for outright purchase, which transfers the copyright ownership to you, in perpetuity. Prices range from $650 to $950.
Are you available for custom work?
Yes! Custom work is priced based on the complexity and scope of the project. Copyright for all final artwork will belong to you, the buyer.
What is included with sales and licenses?
Layered working files in their native Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop format. Existing designs are sold as-is, and any adjustments will be billed at my hourly rate of $79. I will make minor changes to vector artwork such as color replacements, and put simple patterns into repeat at no additional charge, at my discretion.
I have a small budget, but I really like your work - am I out of luck?
Well first of all, thank you! It never gets easier to turn people down, but I have to keep my rates consistent for the sake of fairness. That said, if you know your budget is tight, non-exclusive licenses of existing work provide the most pricing flexibility.