Hello, and thanks for stopping by! I'm Nadia Hassan, a freelance designer and illustrator in High Point, NC.

When someone asks me what I do for a living, the short answer is usually "I'm a designer." The long answer is that I'm a cross-disciplinary designer, artist, illustrator, photographer, reluctant copywriter, occasional street-painter, de facto social media strategist, and business owner. I see life as one big game of connect-the-dots — I love the challenge of connecting seemingly unrelated elements, and organizing complex ideas into one attractive and accessible whole. My aim is to facilitate clear, beautiful visual communication, in print and on screen. 

In addition to my career as a designer, I have an undeniable passion for color and pattern. My work has been featured on blogs including Print & Pattern and Pattern Observer, in magazines such as Cloth, UPPERCASE, and Love Patchwork and Quilting, and in stores like Target, Five Below, West Elm and Walmart.

My work has been licensed to Wrappily, Hobby Lobby, Design Design, Big Lots, Studio E Fabrics, Class Act Stationery, PicCollage, Paper Magic Group, Sellers Publishing, and Corelle, to name a few.

follow me on instagram: @bynadiahassan



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Design Design
Five Below

Hot Topic
Make it in Design
Oh Joy! Blog

Pattern Observer
Print & Pattern
Trader Joe’s

Urban Outfitters
West Elm